Jonathan Kliman's Work History

B.S. University of Massachusetts at Amherst M.S. Candidate University of Massachusetts at Amherst

Employment History

Experience Summary

Courses taken toward M.S. focused on heat transfer, fluid dynamics, and thermodynamics. Worked extensively with Agema Thermovision 870 infrared scanning system. Experienced with numerical and finite element methods including SDRC's I-DEAS and Swanson's ANSYS finite element modeling and Maya Technologies' TMG (Thermal Model Generator) radiation heat transfer analysis package. Expertly use and manage VMS, DOS/Windows, and UNIX based systems. Expert in programming C, C++, and PASCAL including MS-Windows programming. Conversant in ADA, FORTRAN, Xbase and assembly language. Experienced in real-time programming and heterogeneous network programming. Experienced in using computer aided design and manufacturing tools and in programming for parts family libraries.

Consulting and Research Support

Thermal imaging and heat transfer consultant for Professor Donovan at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. Computer system manager for Energy Lab at the Mechanical Engineering department at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst.


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